We found out the news on April 29!! All of our family and friends have been guessing for weeks, but we were so surprised to find out that we're having a little boy who we will call Walker Oliver Wilbanks. We're still in the process of spreading the exciting news! We are THRILLED! Dad (Matt) is so proud to carry on the Wilbanks name.
It was so cool to get to see his little face, arms, legs, hands and feet today. We even got to see him drinking and possibly even smiling. He was certainly very active, perhaps putting on a show for us. We kept noticing how big his mouth is and wondering where he got that. :)
We got to celebrate with family and open a few little blue gifts...one that says "Mommy Loves Me" and another that says "Thank Heaven for Little Boys." What a fun day!
Mommy (Jamie) is now showing with a little pot belly...here I am just over 18 weeks, wearing my bridesmaid's dress from my friend Maria's wedding that I was in this past weekend. I had to add a little to the back of the dress so it would close! We're guessing Walker is going to be a healthy baby since his dad was over 9 pounds when he was born!