So that was my "bad mom" moment because I was the one playing outside with Walker when he fell. Now, onto Matt's "bad dad" moment. We were at lunch today after church with Pastor Ron and a guest speaker from Habitat International who was an interesting guy from New Zealand. Let me first say that Walker is in this phase where he doesn't want to sit in his highchair during meals out (so restaurants aren't always so fun right now). We were trying to be polite and talk with the guest and hear about how Habitat is working in Ethiopia...when I picked Walker up because he was crying (and about to be screaming). I realized he was quite wet and just assumed he spilled his juice. Then, I felt my jeans getting wet while Walker was sitting on my lap...and they were even a little warm. Oh, and my food had just arrived. Unfortunately, I was internally starting to panic because I realized we didn't have a change of clothes in the car, it wasn't time for the guest to leave yet, and I just wasn't sure what to do. Margi decided to take Walker outside to see the boats and the water, and she too noticed he was wet. Meanwhile, our waitress was a bit slow in getting us our checks. When we finally got to the car to leave and change his diaper, we realized the diaper wasn't on at all! EEEKK! He was wearing overalls, and the diaper was down around his ankle. How sad?! Matt was the last one to change his diaper and apparently forgot to fasten the sides. So, Walker basically peed in my lap at the restaurant and then remained in his pee-pee overalls for the next 20 minutes or so. Then he got to ride home in just his diaper and shirt (and one shoe). How's that for a "bad parent" moment?
Bad parenting moments aside, Matt had a great trip to Dubai to plan for this summer. We are looking forward to that trip as a family (please pray for Walker's first trip overseas and for a good plane ride for him!). We are also getting ready for some house renovations right now, which is very exciting! We are hoping to close this week (pray for that too and that we can afford it). This will mean a master suite (master bedroom and bathroom) with a real closet, an indoor laundry room (no more cold or wet walks to the scary garage at night to wash our clothes--yippee!), an attached garage, a wooden deck and a new septic system. Plus, there will be some other upgrades like a new AC unit, new windows and new insulation. Our house is so cold in the winter and doesn't warm up much, so this should help. It's a pretty huge undertaking, but it will help us stay in our house. It's just too small for us right now, and we are hoping to expand our family in the future, so this will certainly help give us the space we need.
I promised more goes...there are a lot!