We finally started working on Walker's room this past weekend! It was so fun painting and putting together the crib and dresser (well, maybe the dresser took a little longer than usual, but Granddaddy was there to help!). We had lots of help from our family as we were cleaning out the "guest room" and turning it into Walker's room.
While Matt and our families worked on the room (Aunt Julie, Aunt Ashley and Uncle Kyle helped prep for painting, and Matt and Papa John painted the room together), Jamie took the opportunity to take a nap and prop up her swollen feet. Yes, the heat of summer in Florida is definitely setting in and becoming apparent in all kinds of lovely swelling. I guess Belle and Mei-mei also wanted to nap on the couch while everyone else worked.
These are just a few preliminary photos of the baby room...there's still so much work to do, but we wanted to give a sneak preview. We can't wait to finish it. Jamie's sister, Wendi, is coming over this week to work on adding waves to the walls between the two blues (like the ocean and the sky) and a mural over the crib. We are also going to add some cute "beachy" things to the walls like small surfboards and fishing rods.
We took the "Walkman" photo because Aunt Julie and Aunt Ashley came up with that as Walker's nickname. So Matt painted on the khaki wall before we painted it blue. Now he can be either WOW or Walkman. :)
Oh my goodness, you look presh!
Great site. I enjoyed it, thanks for sharing....God's peace to you....
It was so much fun to see Walker's room coming together! It's going to be the perfect little place for our perfect little boy!
love to you all!
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