We are just plugging along, enjoying each new day together as a family and watching Walker grow. He changes so much every week right now. We had a doctor visit recently and found out he is now 13 lb 6 oz and almost 26 inches long. He's a big boy! I love the chubby thighs...they are so cute!
We are SO EXCITED about Ashley and Kyle's wedding, which is in less than a week now (Jan. 24)! WOW! We can't believe it's already here. It's going to be a great day! We can't wait to celebrate with them and to see all the family. This week is going to be very busy and VERY fun!!

Walk-man is finally enjoying his tummy time (at least some of the time)! He absolutely loves playing on his floor mat with the hanging toys, especially because of the big mirror on the side. He really loves looking in the mirror at the cute baby who stares back at him. He also loves his books. Reading his books to him is so fun because he intently studies the pages. His favorites are "Elmo So Big" and his toddler Bible (that's my boy!).

This is Walker's "what up" pose with his tiny little hands propped up on his face (nothing new here).

He loves his daddy!

YEY for Margs! We went to Savannah for a day last week to meet our friend Margs (Margaret) for lunch. It was a great day! I have always loved Savannah--it's just a very artsy, historic city. We hadn't seen Margs in over a year (since she came to Ethio to visit us), so it was very special to finally see her after such a long time. We had a blast together, as always! Back when we were first married, Margs lived with us for a couple months and she always kept us laughing.

Walker finally got to meet Margs! She's in nursing school in Tennessee. We hope it won't be so long in between Margs visits next time. This pic is from one of our fav places, Starbucks (which I lovingly refer to as "SB").

Walker is supporting his Gators (a.k.a. National Champs)! He's also showing off his new trick of sticking his foot in his mouth. Oh, to be that flexible...

He really enjoys holding his feet these days. He's getting good with his coordination and being able to grab things in front of him.

No outfit is complete without the matching bib. Walker is a fountain most of the time. In fact, he covered me in soy spit-up last Sunday on the way to church. It was a crazy morning, but we eventually made it to church wearing spit-up free clothes (a necessity since I was speaking that morning; I didn't get to sing, though, because I was late and missed rehearsal). Thank goodness Walker got a Gator onesie, bib, socks and paci from the fam. The Walker's are all big Gator fans! Matt isn't so into the Gators. In fact, he says we are going to use the Gator items as baby wipes. So wrong!

We celebrated on New Year's Eve with Maria and Jeannel. They got a fire pit for Christmas, so we gathered around it and ate Smores. So yummy! That was our last night of eating goodies like chocolate. On Jan. 1 we started New Year's diets, so we aren't eating anything quite that delicious these days. We had Walker bundled up since it was a chilly night. He was so good while chillin with his Auntie Ria.
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