The weather is so beautiful right now! We've been able to take Walker for some of his first experiences with fun outdoor activities like going to The Jacksonville Zoo, the beach and the pool.
He is also becoming more active every day. He is now learning how to scoot to get where he wants to go. He even climbed over two laps the other day to try to reach someone's cell phone (one of his favorite things to try to grab). He is incredibly curious! Not sure where he gets that from ... he he he.

This was Walker's first real trip to the beach. We went to West Palm Beach to speak at Palm Beach Atlantic University. It was a great trip! So fun and we spoke to 1,500 students about M work.

Walk-man really loved the beach! He liked playing in the sand. We didn't get to put him in the water, though, because it was still pretty chilly.

He is very cuddly and snuggly. I just love it!

Here's where he was thinking, "Mom, can you please stop embarrassing me by taking so many photos?"

We laughed about how white he looked on the beach. But I was so afraid he would burn that I lathered him up with sunscreen, so he didn't really get any amount of sun. I really love his tiny board shorts.

What a great place for a nap...Donald Trump's enormous palace was just down the street.

Here's Royal Palm Drive, which is just so beautiful and so south Florida with the palm tree lined streets.

Walk-man was so cute during Julie and Ashley's
photo shoot. If you haven't had a chance to check out the cool framed art, you should definitely visit
frame the [date].

He loves his baby ftd. He was such a good model! I think we'll have to start charging an hourly rate soon. :) There are some amazing photos of Julie and Ashley's unique art on
Kara's photography site. Scroll down past the preggers pics to see her plug.

Three of Walker's cousins came to Jax for the weekend: Noah, Kaylie and Connor. They all really enjoy spending time with him.

We saw this giant sting ray during our trip to the Jax Zoo. We even got to touch it!

This is a giant, plastic carrot that Walker looks so funny gnawing on.

Time for a nap with Granddaddy.

And a hug from Kirra. She's always telling me how much she likes Walker.

And playing with Kaylie! Kaylie was like Walker's second mom when she came to Jax to visit and then when we went to Deland/Deltona for Noah's bday party. She carried him around and took such good care of him. It's amazing how natural she is with him.
We have some great pool pics from the bday party and Walker's 7 month pics coming soon!
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