Walker got to travel back to a place that's hopefully very familiar to him...Ethiopia! He went with mom and dad last month for a two-week trip. Jamie and Matt got to see all their friends and family and show off Jamie's growing belly. Everyone was so excited to hear the news! All of our friends are expecting another trip next year after Walker arrives, so they can meet Baby WOW.
During our layover in London, we found these chips called "Walkers" and thought they were so funny that we took a photo.
The photo of the two preggers is Jamie with her dear friend Yeshi, who is also pregnant. Yeshi is due in just a few weeks!
The other photos are of our friends who we love so much and who we were so blessed to get to see and spend time with during the trip. The photo of Matt and Jamie is a on mountain called Entoto that overlooks the city...it's usually a beautiful spot, but the fog was a little heavy that day.
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