Some of our friends have been requesting photos of my (Jamie's) growing belly, so I guess it's that time. These are only a few, but we'll post more soon. We are now approaching week 26, so it's exciting to think that Walker's arrival is just over 3 months away! We can hardly believe it...we can't wait!
He is also kicking quite often these days...for a while it was mostly at night before bed, but now it's at random times during the day. You can even see it if you watch my tummy. So far, dad and cousin Kaylie are the only ones who have felt Walker kicking. Maybe he will lose his shyness soon and kick for his grandparents, aunts and uncles.
We are so thankful that everyone around us has been so excited and encouraging. All of Walker's grandparents and aunts and uncles are very excited! We even received a sweet gift in the mail just last week from Walker's cousin, Cade Andrew Wilbanks. Cade sent Walker a onesie and hat that are very cute and will be quite comfy. Walker will be so thrilled to meet Cade one day and they will be the best of friends since they will only be about 9 or 10 months apart.
We also included a photo of Jamie and Matt's friends, Tina, Melissa and Amanda, who have developed their own "sign" for Walker...the "WOW." Hope this makes you laugh!!
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