Friday, May 2, 2008

First pair of Kicks

We were at the mall and saw these for Walker......then we decided we wanted a pair too! Yeah, we are already doing that family matching thing. But hey, we are allowed, right?


Tony & Cindy said...

Hey Matt & Jamie - we met you at the IMB conference in January. We're making plans to go to the Horn and should be in place in mid-October. We lost your e-mail address in the shuffle, so sorry not to have been in touch. So excited to hear about your baby! Congratulations!! Cindy & Tony

The Wilbanks said...

Ok, you guys are going to have to do a better job of updating this blog. We need details people! I hope you guys are doing great. It is so much fun getting ready for it. Enjoy this time. If you want to run out at 11 and get coffee or ice cream, do it now. It won't happen later.

The Wilbanks said...

Hellllllllloooooooooo??? Once you start this blogging thing you HAVE to keep it updated or people like me( Lindsay) get depressed. I want to know how you're all doing/feeling. IS the nursery ready?? Take a picture of it. Kthanksbye.

Matt, Jamie and Walker said...

Lindsay, this one is for you! Sorry to be such slackers in the posting arena. We're just getting used to technology again! :) There's no such thing as blogging from Ethio. We're going to try our hardest to be better posters! You are our inspiration in that area, for sure. Thanks for sending us great packages...we appreciate your excitement!!